Here's two scenes from 2 Peter Jackson films, now the reason I love the wizard fight scene in
Fellowship of the Ring between Gandalf and Saruman is the simplicity of what is happening, no fancy lightening bolts and digital FX, it's all pure invisible magic energy and it seems to pack a hell of a punch. This could have quite easily gotten out of control FX wise but it doesn't...

...however a scene I hate is the dinosaur stampede in
King Kong, the whole thing from beginning to end is one of the biggest f**k ups in cinema history, I thought George Lucas had directed this part of the movie. The scene with just one Brontasaurus running down that narrow gully would have been pretty dangerous in terms of avoiding being squished as it ran past, yet we are given not only multiple huge dino's but the smaller and more deadly Raptor type, then there's running on the edge of a cliff as it collapses and the dodge the giant dinosaurs rolling down the hill, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks !!!